Product Sampling: A Tool For Generating Customer Reviews

By offering free or discounted samples of your products in exchange for an honest review, you can quickly build up reviews and increase conversion rates. Read on to find out how product sampling can be an effective tool for generating authentic user reviews and boosting sales.

Product Sampling: A Tool For Generating Customer Reviews

As an ecommerce business, you know that customer reviews are essential for building trust and social proof. People want to hear from others who have actually used the product before they buy. Product sampling is an easy way to generate more reviews and build credibility.

By providing free or discounted samples of your products to select customers in exchange for an honest review, you can quickly build up reviews and increase conversion rates. Read on to find out how product sampling can be an effective tool for generating authentic user reviews and boosting sales.

What Is Product Sampling?

Product sampling simply means providing free samples of a product to potential customers. It’s a marketing tactic used to generate buzz and reviews for a new product launch or brand.

How It Works

Companies provide free samples of a product to select customers, often using a giveaway or contest on social media to build interest. The goal is for people to try the product, then share their experience by posting an honest review.

  1. Selecting Participants. Companies choose participants who match their target audience and will likely spread the word about their experience. Often social media influencers in a particular niche.
  2. Shipping Free Samples. The company ships free samples of the product to the selected participants. These samples are provided at no cost in exchange for an honest review.
  3. Generating Reviews and Buzz. Once participants receive and try the product, the company encourages them to share their experience by posting a review on sites like their blog, YouTube, Instagram or third-party sites like Amazon. This helps generate buzz and valuable social proof.
  4. Building Credibility and Sales. Positive reviews from real customers, especially influencers, build credibility and trust in the product. This often translates into increased traffic, brand awareness, and sales.

Product sampling is a strategic way for companies to get their product into the hands of potential customers. When done right, it can be an effective tool for launching a new product and generating the reviews and buzz needed to drive sales. The key is finding the right participants and providing a quality product that people will genuinely want to talk about.

The Benefits of Product Sampling for Brands

Product sampling is a win-win for brands. By giving out free samples of your goods, you'll gain new customers and boost brand awareness.

New Customers

When people try your product for free, some will become paying customers. According to studies, up to 80% of people who sample a product will buy it. Offering samples is an easy way to get your product in front of potential new customers.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Satisfied samplers will tell their friends and family about your product. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to spread brand awareness and gain new customers. Product sampling helps get people talking about your brand.

Social Media Buzz

Happy customers who receive free samples will often post about your product on social media. This organic social media exposure can reach thousands of potential new customers and create buzz about your brand. Product sampling is a simple way to get more eyes on your product and increase social media engagement.

Reviews and Testimonials

Customers who receive free samples are more likely to leave a review on your website or 3rd party sites like Amazon. Product reviews build trust in your brand and help convince others to buy. Samplers can also provide testimonials for use in your marketing. Their endorsement of your product based on firsthand experience is hugely persuasive for potential customers.

Improved Customer Loyalty

Giving away samples makes customers feel valued by your brand. This positive feeling fosters brand loyalty and repeat purchases. Satisfied samplers are more likely to buy from you again and continue using your products in the long run. Product sampling is a strategic way to create lifelong customers and boost long term sales.

In summary, product sampling should be an essential part of your marketing strategy. By giving away free samples, you'll gain new customers, increase buzz, get more reviews, build loyalty, and boost your bottom line. It's a win all around!

How to Use Product Samples to Get More Reviews

Offering free product samples is an effective way to generate more user reviews for your business. Here are some tips to make the most of product sampling:

Choose Products Strategically

Select products that are popular, innovative or that you want to promote. Offering samples of your newest or top-selling products will generate the most interest and reviews. Think about sending a mix of products to give the recipient a good sense of what you offer.

Keep Samples Generous

Don't be stingy with the samples. Send enough of each product for the recipient to get a good sense of it. This could be a single-serve packet, a trial size bottle or a few pieces of a product. The more they can experience, the more they'll have to review.

Make it Personal

Include a handwritten thank you note to make a good impression. You might say something like: "We hope you enjoy these samples from our product line. We'd appreciate your feedback and reviews to help other customers." This personal touch will make them more inclined to write an review.

Follow Up

Don't just send samples and hope for reviews. Follow up within a week or so to ask what they thought and if they have any feedback or reviews to share. You might send an email, postcard or make a quick phone call. The direct outreach will increase the chances of getting reviews. Offer an additional incentive like a coupon code as motivation.

Using product sampling in a strategic, generous way and following up for reviews is an easy way to start generating more user reviews and building social proof for your business. Keep sampling, keep asking and those reviews will start coming in!

Best Practices for Product Sampling Campaigns

When running a product sampling campaign, following some best practices will help generate the most useful reviews from participants.

Choose Products Wisely

Select products that will appeal to your target audience and fit with your brand. Think about items that showcase what makes your company unique. Keep in mind any restrictions on samples, like with cosmetics or food. Only include full-size or close to full-size products to give users a realistic experience.

Develop a Review Strategy

Determine how you want participants to review the products. Do you prefer video, written, or both? Provide clear instructions for leaving reviews on sites like YouTube, your website, Amazon, etc. You might offer incentives for the most helpful reviews.

Build Excitement

Promote your sampling campaign through social media, email newsletters, and your website. Share details on the products included and how people can sign up to participate. Create buzz by posting updates and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks as you prepare to ship the boxes.

Personalize the Experience

A handwritten thank you note or custom box label adds a special touch. You might group products by interests or personal attributes for a tailored experience. Keep the presentation attractive by adding crinkle-cut shredded paper, stickers, or tissue paper in your brand colors.

Follow Up Appropriately

Once boxes have shipped, check in on social media and via email to see reactions and remind participants to leave their reviews. Respond to any questions or comments. After the campaign, reach out again thanking everyone for their feedback and sharing how it will help improve your products or services. Offer a coupon or discount on future purchases as an additional show of gratitude.

With the right products, clear instructions, excitement-building promotion, personalization, and follow up, your product sampling campaign can generate reviews that provide valuable insights into your customers’ needs and experiences. Carefully selecting participants and keeping the experience positive will lead to authentic reviews that help future buyers in their purchasing decisions.

Case Studies: Successful Product Sampling Campaigns

Successful product sampling campaigns provide users with free or discounted products in exchange for honest reviews. This tactic helps companies gain valuable feedback and word-of-mouth marketing. Here are a few case studies of brands that have leveraged product sampling to drive user reviews:


Birchbox, a beauty product subscription service, frequently sends subscribers samples of cosmetics, skincare, and haircare items. In exchange, Birchbox asks subscribers to leave reviews on the products they receive to help others discover new favorites. This allows Birchbox to gain insights into which products subscribers love and want to see more of. At the same time, reviews on Birchbox's website and social media channels increase brand awareness and drive new signups.


Influenster is a product discovery and review platform. Brands provide Influenster with samples of new or relaunched products which are then distributed for free to Influenster's network of reviewers, called "Influencers." Influencers test and review the products on Influenster's website and app, as well as on their own social media channels. This gives brands valuable feedback and exposure to potential new customers. Popular brands like Loreal, Maybelline, and Dove frequently run product sampling campaigns through Influenster.

Social Nature

Social Nature connects brands with social media influencers and micro-influencers to run product sampling campaigns. Influencers receive free products in the mail to test, review, and promote on their social media profiles like Instagram, YouTube, and blogs. In return, the influencers provide the brand with an authentic review and help raise brand awareness among their followers. Big brands like Quaker, Silk, and SmartSweets have used Social Nature to distribute thousands of product samples to influencers.

The success of these product sampling campaigns proves that giving away free products in exchange for reviews is an effective way for brands to gain valuable insights, increase word-of-mouth marketing, and reach new potential customers. When done right, product sampling is a win-win for both brands and their reviewers.


By getting your product into the hands of real customers and influencers, you're tapping into their networks and credibility. Their reviews, photos, and social shares expose your brand to new audiences in an authentic way.

Sure, you may get some negative feedback too but that comes with the territory. Use it as an opportunity to improve and strengthen your offering. Overall, a well-designed product sampling campaign should be a win-win.

Customers get to try something new for free and you get valuable exposure and insights to build on. Give it a shot - at the very least you'll gain experience. At best, you'll find an effective new channel for acquisition and community building. The rewards are worth the risk!

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