Get Valuable Insights From Over 60 Million Fashion Shoppers

Imagine having access to insights from over 60 million real shoppers from the world’s leading fashion brands, all analysed and compiled for you...

Get Valuable Insights From Over 60 Million Fashion Shoppers

One valuable use case of Woven Insights' Consumer Insights module is Comparative Analysis. You can easily compare the performance of two or more products, based on customer sentiment.

Not only can you see how your products perform against one another, you can compare their performances to those of your competitors.

Comparative Analysis with Woven Insights' Consumer Insights module.

Comparative Analysis with Consumer Insights helps you find out what customers think about your fashion items, compared to those of your competitors.

But that’s not all…

Woven Insights gives you access to over 5 million products from the world’s biggest fashion brands, to compare your products with.

This gives you the opportunity to know what the most successful brands all around the world are doing right (and wrong), and how to take advantage of that.

Understanding Woven Insights

Woven Insights is not just some review analysis tool; it's a comprehensive data analytics platform that allows fashion manufacturers and brands to tap into the wealth of information present in customer feedback and market trends.

Through advanced Data Collection, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and AI technologies, Woven Insights transforms raw market data and customer feedback into actionable insights for competitive analysis, market research, product analytics, and more.

Introducing Woven Insights

Our Market Insights module identifies patterns in product Pricing, Replenishment, colours, assortment and more - to help fashion businesses make profitable decisions around merchandising, pricing, design, promotions and more.

Our Consumer Insights module sifts through massive amounts of data, identifying sentiments, themes, keywords, and patterns that can illuminate consumer behavior and preferences for fashion manufacturers and brands.

The Power of Customer Reviews for Fashion Brands

In the fashion industry, customer reviews hold immense power. They provide a direct line of communication between brands and consumers, shedding light on what works and what doesn't. Positive reviews can bolster brand reputation and foster customer loyalty, while negative feedback presents opportunities for improvement.

Leading fashion manufacturers and brands leverage insights from customer reviews, from as early as ideation/pre-production stages.

With Woven Insights, fashion brands can look beyond star ratings and get a high-level understanding of what is working and what isn’t. This helps them fine-tune their products, enhance customer experiences, identify trends, and stay ahead of competitors.

Unveiling Over 60 Million Reviews: The Data Treasure Trove

Imagine having access to insights from over 5 million products from the world’s biggest fashion brands, all analysed and compiled for you.

Now, stop imagining… This is a reality that Woven Insights offers you.

Our database spans across leading fashion brands, ensuring a comprehensive view of the fashion landscape. From the most luxurious labels, to the most eco-conscious brands, the wealth of data available on Woven Insights is a goldmine for fashion businesses aiming to understand consumer preferences on a deeper level.

You can now join the big players, and even beat them, by figuring how best to meet the needs of shoppers. After all, the most successful businesses are those who serve the customers best.

Accessing the Insights: A Step-by-Step Guide

So, how can you access these valuable Consumer Insights?

It’s simple really:

You'll first need to have signed up for Woven Insights at

Search and Filter for Products: Use the search bar to specify criteria such as Keyword search, Url search, Image search, and Image Url search. Apply filters to narrow down the review dataset to your desired brands and click search to search for reviews.

Search and Filter for the products that you are interested in analy

Product Selection: Once you've applied your search criteria, you'll be presented with multiple products that match your specifications. Carefully select the product that best fits your needs and interests.

Here you can select a single product for analysis, or compare multiple products at the same time. You can also select multiple products to carry out an aggregate analysis of products you’re interested in

Analyzing Trends and Patterns: Delve into the data provided by Woven Insights. You will find reviews, and star ratings and their distribution.

You can also easily identify trends, sentiments, and frequently occurring keywords that can unveil consumer preferences and opinions around price, fit, aesthetics, comfort, material, quality, performance, functionality, durability and workmanship. Here, you can compare the information between two or more selected items.

Save, Export and Share Reports: Once you've found what you need, don't forget to save it to a personalized folder within the platform. You can also export the report in excel and PDF formats for further analysis or sharing with your team.

Turning Insights into Action: Practical Use Cases For Retail Intelligence

The insights garnered from our solution's vast collection of reviews can be transformative for fashion brands. Consider these practical use cases:

  • Identifying Popular Product Features and Trends: Uncover which product features resonate the most with consumers, helping you prioritize design and development efforts.
  • Informing Marketing Strategies: Craft marketing campaigns that align with consumer preferences and effectively address pain points.
  • Monitoring Competitor Performance: Benchmark your brand against competitors, identifying areas where you can stand out.


Accessing insights from more than 60 million customer reviews from top fashion brands through Woven Insights is like listening to the market and shoppers directly. By understanding what customers truly want and need, you can fine-tune your business strategies and offerings.

In an era where data reigns supreme, Woven Insights provides fashion businesses of all sizes with a powerful tool for harnessing the voice of the customer and turning it into actionable insights that drive success - at the best pricing in the industry.

Don’t be left behind. Get started today!